As with all production facilities, regular maintenance is also necessary in the case of gluing technology in order to achieve full production potential. We offer our clients service of all brands of gluing equipment and original Robatech spare parts. We know how to take care of machines properly, so we can prevent unexpected outages as a result of a breakdown. A responsible technician trained specifically in the field of industrial gluing will always be at your disposal. Our hotline is available for you 24 hours a day.
Contact us. Thanks to the possibility of a service contract, you do not need to worry about unexpected production outages any longer. We will simply replace your equipment in our rental shop.
For customers who are serious about industrial gluing and wish to have as low a production line failure rate as possible, we offer the possibility to conclude a service contract with which they will gain a number of benefits:
In this case, it is an adhesive with a large quantity of filling agent and technology operating at 220 °C. We cannot violate the laws of physics, and degradation and burning of the adhesive is inevitable in this situation. However, the layer of adhesive in the picture reached a thickness of up to one centimetre, which resulted in the outage of the entire unit. It should be noted that it would be sufficient to clean the machine thoroughly once a year. It is necessary to observe the maintenance intervals, especially with such specific solutions where the necessity of maintenance can already be expected in advance. You are saving your own costs.
Due to poor maintenance and neglected cleaning, molten glue gradually got into the control system of the melting unit, where it solidified and disabled the system. Returning such a damaged unit to operation is a task for several working days, which brings with it a relatively extensive outage of production. Regular service would only take a moment.
It is a Melton pump that failed and glue leaked out. The customer was notified of the fact that the same pump is no longer produced and the corresponding new model has different dimensions. However, our service technician easily dealt with the problem and he himself designed a structural fixture that allowed the use of a new model without the need to reconstruct the complete set-up. You can see the result after installation in the photo.